A new a stylish look around the site. Thanks to sass

So if you have seen the site before this post you will have noticed that we(the royal we [aka. we := I ]) have gone though (and are going though) some changes in the layout of the site.

This new change is a result of changing from the static css about a week ago. I knew that pelican had picked up less support but I did not realize the extent of the power of the webassets module. I wanted to start with precompiled css language and I picked up less first. I Started to used it and recreated my previous css quickly in fewer lines. But as I used it more and did more research on scss I started to think about how the syntax is nice.

Why do I prefer scss? Here are my thoughts:

Reason number 1:

I prefer the usage of the '@mixin' and '@include' keywords that sass uses. The alternative syntax for less would be a mixin name prefixed by a period followed by parentheses. eg.


#container {
    color: black;
.rounded (@radius: 5px){
    border-radius: @radius;
    -moz-border-radius: @radius;



#container {
    color: black;
    @include rounded-corners(10px);
@mixin rounded ($radius: 5px){
    border-radius: $radius;
    -moz-border-radius: $radius;

When you are scanning though your code it would be nice to be able to see things as context free as possible so going through the hassle of writing more with scss is some-what worth it.

Reason number 2:

I like '$' more the '@'. @ is two keys farther away from the middle the $ which makes it kinda annoying when you are typing in a lot.